👛Ocean Pool

Ocean Pool will be opened shortly after protocol launch

Please stay tuned on our announcement channels

The Ocean Pool

The Ocean Pool is where the holders can deposit $ocUSD and earn yield in $ocUSD

The source of yield

The yield source of the Ocean Pool is the borrow interest rate paid by the users who deposited various assets such as $ETH, $USDC and/or $wstETH to the vault to mint (borrow) $ocUSD. When the users repay $ocUSD debt, they should repay the accrued $ocUSD yield and it goes to the Ocean Pool and will be distributed to the depositors.

The other yield source of the Ocean Pool is 3rd party protocols. Oceanos deposits the collateral assets to 3rd party protocols which strictly investigated in terms of technical and team-based perspective. Selected 3rd party protocol will be announced on our announcement channels.

Ocean Pool Features

  • No minimum/maximum deposit cap

  • No lock-up

  • No protocol fee


Beside the risk of $ocUSD from depegging, the Ocean Pool is not exposed to other risks. For $ocUSD, Oceanos has its own mechanism to peg to $1, by giving arbitrage opportunity to the users who minted $ocUSD with other assets collaterized.

Last updated